We exist to help, encourage, & lead people through the support of them. We seek to build up & improve the lives we touch as we assist them in handling life’s situations & circumstances.
House of H.E.L.P.S. Community & Worship Center (HHCWC), now a 501c3 Tax Exempt Church was founded by Cynthia Lazaro under the leadership of Jesus Christ in August 2007 to be a division of First Watch Ministries (FWM) which she also Co-founded with her husband, Robert Lazaro, and Janelle Wood. We were called strategically into this community originally to reach out to women who had been abused, and who had abused drugs and alcohol that they might be rehabilitated. This was accomplished in several ways and many women received their children back and went on to live productive lives.
Currently, HHCWC is made up of godly men, women and children (DGMF, MOMC, & E.M.P.L.O.Y. programS) who desire to reach out as Christ instructed us and to pour out His love and mercy upon on all His saints who may find themselves homeless, abused, prostituted, mentally ill and many times thrown away by society. It was His goal for us to go in the power and authority of His Holy Spirit reaching & touching each one of His saints with His love.

For 8 years the staff of House of H.E.L.P.S. went forth as instructed, into the streets to minister to His saints never missing one Sunday. Week after week we went, serving the poor and the needy, and pouring the love of our Heavenly Father upon them. FWM, now going into their 10th year, continues to go forth into the streets to reach out with the love of Christ to love & serve His lambs who have found themselves homeless.
HHCWC has been established to continue the call and purpose of helping, encouraging and leading people to Christ through supporting them. It is here that He has placed us to be a light, a city on a hill who’s light shines brightly before men that our Father in heaven is glorified. At HHCWC we place a high importance on worship. We worship by giving our time & finances to the work of the Lord. We are dedicating our bodies because they contain the tools God uses and it is our reasonable service. We hold a worship service on Saturday mornings at 10:00 for the people to come together with a total & committed focus on the Father to praise & worship Him that our lives and the community in which we dwell will be transformed.
House of H.E.L.P.S. entering her 8th year, has been transitioned into a new season of new beginnings and established as the community and worship center our God desires for us to obtain until He manifests the Community Life Center. Since our current location is small, we continue to seek & believe God for the promised state of the art Community Life Center facility where all needs can & will be met for all those who come. The glory of the Lord rests upon this place and it shall continue to be a storehouse filled to overflowing that no one who makes a conscious decision to come will have a need.
We are “Communing in unity serving in the light of love that shall give the hope of life!”